Friday 10 August 2007

For someone who wants to write for a living I find myself being incredibly coquettish and avoiding the task at all costs. Ironing has never been so appealing. Hence the blog; hopefully it will force me in to some form of discipline and it doesn't even matter if no one reads it (which bodes well).
This time I plan to remember the password and username, as well as the actual blog name. Somewhere out there in cyberspace is a half-started blog , destined to forever roam the world devoid of purpose.

There isn't much you need to know about me apart from the following - I'm 28, I'm single and I live in London. I like to use parentheses alot. That's your lot for now.

Thought of the day (you might get a lot of these) - everyone around me is getting married and having babies. I am inevitably feeling broody and spinsterish. Thankfully a day in Hamley's tomorrow with four neices and nephews will put paid to that.

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